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Faster Level 1 West Union, Ohio


$250.00 - $1,500.00

Date & Time

Nov 16, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Tactical Defense Institute, 2174 Bethany Ridge Road
West Union, Ohio 45693


FASTER Level 1 is the nation’s leading violence response training for schools, churches and businesses. This class is 3 days of firearm, general crisis and emergency management plus trauma medical training. The fee for this class includes the training, hotel while training and professional trauma kit to take home.

Ohio Schools are eligible for $1,250 grants. Select “2024 $1250 Grant” at checkout.

(While funds are available.)

Items Needed for This Class

  • Eye and hearing protection (Electronic hearing protection is highly recommended)
  • Reliable 9mm auto loader:  For example Glocks and Smith & Wesson M & P’s with three magazines.
  • Multiple magazines to carry a min. of 28 rounds.
  • Strong side hip holster and mag carrier: examples Comp-Tac or Blade-Tech (NO SERPAS)
  • Gun belt
  • At least 1000 rounds of target ammunition
  • Clothes to match weather conditions
  • A brimmed hat to deflect fired cases.    Low neck line tops are not recommended…. fired cases are very hot!
  • Food and beverages
  • Notebook, pencil/pen

For more information on gear suggestions, visit

For any questions, please contact Greg Hennecke – or call 513.267.5419


Class Requirements

You must have a CCW permit OR have completed a CCW class and are awaiting the issuance of your CCW permit. Complete a one-day FASTER Foundations class.


Feel free to contact us via phone or email if you have any inquiries regarding the class or its prerequisites.

Faster Level 1 West Union, Ohio

FASTER Level 1 is the nation's leading violence response training for schools, churches and businesses. This class is 3 days of firearm, general crisis and emergency management plus trauma medical training. The fee for this class includes the training, hotel while training and professional trauma kit to take home.

Ohio Schools are eligible for $1,250 grants. Select "2024 $1250 Grant" at checkout.

(While funds are available.)

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20 remaining

Interested in our Faster Gear Suggestions?

Equipping yourself with the right safety gear is essential. Check out our curated list of recommendations to get started.