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Dallas TX area school provides trauma kits to all school resource officers.

More schools system are moving forward with FASTER style training.

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FRISCO — Preparing for the worst-case scenario is a police officer’s job. And when your patrol beat includes campus hallways, that means you must be ready to react to a school shooting.

Though such events are rare, deadly shootings like those at Sandy Hook Elementary or Columbine High have had educators and police constantly looking for new ways to protect students.

So this year, the Frisco Police Department has issued “go bags” to all 25 of its school resource officers assigned to work in the district’s high schools and middle schools. The bags contain tourniquets and Israeli bandages — designed for traumatic injuries such as gunshot wounds — as well as tactical gear like straps that could be used to drag a person to safety and door stops to limit access to an area.

“You hope you can go 20 years and never have to use it, but if you do, it could be the difference between life and death for someone,” said Officer Jerry Varner, who works at Liberty High School.

Frisco police and the school district worked together to provide the bags after learning about them at a law enforcement conference.

During recent training for the go bags, paramedics taught officers how to use the medical supplies while others went over uses for the tactical gear.

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