Skip to content at the OSBA conference

FASTER Saves Lives will have a booth at this year’s Ohio School Board Association’s “Capital Conference.” We were so well received last year that we have doubled our booth space this year. We will have various people at the booth including an attorney, Superintendent and John Benner of Tactical Defense Institute to discuss options for preventing, stopping, and treating injured from an active killer event at your school.

The conference is the second-largest school board conferences in the country. It is held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center November 8 through the 11th. The trade show will take place Monday, November 9 from 10 am to 5 pm and Tuesday, November 10 from 9 am to 4 pm.

Does your school have a trauma kit?

FASTER Saves Lives will be giving away 10 classroom trauma kits valued at $75 each and one facility kit valued at $700. Visit us at booth 1123 and 1125 and register to win one of these great kits and find out if your school has the required gear and training to allow your staff to deal with trauma injuries.

There are many “Essential Learning Sessions” for attendees to choose from. Those concerned with safety and violence will want to attend “Arming Staff – A status report.” This session will be held Monday at 2pm in room D131. Dr. Dick Caster, Mr. Jeff Staggs, Mr. Wes Hairston, and Mr. Eric Floyd will be presenting. These individuals have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share from an educator’s standpoint.

School violence is a topic that every school board has faced. Violence can happen anywhere, even in the most peaceful or affluent districts. Stop by and learn why authorizing school staff to carry firearms is not as controversial as many believe. We will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Hundreds of educators and law enforcement have attended various levels of FASTER Saves Lives training over the past three years. The program has evolved to meet the needs of our schools. We are taking requests for next year’s training slots. If your school is interested in the best practice to deal with active killer/active shooter situations, sign up now for training or visit us at the OSBA trade show.

Register for FASTER Saves Lives training:
Register for the OSBA Capital Conference:

Jim Irvine is the Buckeye Firearms Foundation President, BFA PAC Chairman and recipient of the NRA-ILA’s 2011 “Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year Award,” the CCRKBA’s 2012 “Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award,” and the SAF’s 2015 “Defender of Freedom Award.

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