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Trauma Medical Class – April 1, 2017

Trauma Medicine for Active Killer Events

Objective: Casualty Care

  • To identify potential wound patterns and injuries in an trauma emergency such as active killer event, severe weather event, car/bus/kitchen/lab accident, or severe sports injuries.
  • Provide necessary skills to recognize and rapidly treat life threatening injuries even in a hostile environment

Reality Check . . .

– There WILL be a potentially extended period of time where wounded survivors are on their own, suffering from life threatening injuries!
– We can intervene and STOP the death toll with simple, effective, and rapid treatment
– Self-Aid/Buddy-Aid techniques will buy critical time and save lives.

Location: Premier Shooting and Training West Chester Ohio

Date: April 1 

Morning Class 9am-2pm Registration

Afternoon Class 12pm-5pm Registration

Hands on Experience:

You will learn in a hands on manner, how to identify and treat the most common PREVENTABLE causes of death from exteme trauma such as an active killer event. 1) Extremity/Junctional Hemorrhage 2) Tension Pneumothorax 3) Airway obstruction

Likely what you remember from Boy/Girl Scouts or your Red Cross 1st Aid class is very outdated. More then a decade of war-fighting has proven over and over, what works, what doesn’t, what is safe, what is not. Learn how/when to administer self/buddy aid in a hostile environment.

Get hands on practice with both commercial and improvised trauma medical supplies so you know what to buy, what to avoid and what you can do if funds are limited for kits across an entire school, church or business.

Bonus Lecture: History of Active Killer Response

This bonus segment is straight from Mr. John Benner’s FASTER Saves Lives curriculum that over 770 school staff from across the nation have attended. Learn the details of past active killer events which have shaped not only law enforcement, but now business, church and school responses. Learn what actually happens in these events, how, when and why “Run, Hide, Fight” may or may not work.

Optional Personal Trauma Kits:

You can order a personal trauma kit to take home from the class.

These are the same ‘Classroom Response Kits’ that FASTER Saves Lives has been putting into over 200 districts across Ohio. Each kit is custom designed to allow one person to treat 2-3 injured persons. (Up to 9 separate injuries)

Kit Contains:

(1) CAT Tourniquet, (2) Olaes Bandages 4”, (1) Fox Chest Seal, (2) Compressed Gauze, (1) Control Wrap 4”, (2) Cravats, (1) 2” Tape, (1) Trauma Shear 5”, (1) Pr of gloves

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